Text Data Server (TDS) ver 1.3

The Text Data Server complements and enhances the AWC website by providing direct and queryable access to much of the real-time data that is depicted elsewhere on the site. Current data is collected every five minutes and is available here in XML, CSV, and gzip formats.

This service facilitates access to ADDS data via automated computer-to-computer processes and is an ideal mechanism for users who consistently need access to raw data, for those users who need more control over the data than is currently available through the AWC website, or for users wishing to build custom applications based on ADDS data.

For example, as the text data server only stores the past 3 days of data, and as such is not intended to support historical data access, one might build a client application that automatically contacts the text data server at regular intervals to obtain records of interest and store them locally, thus building their own history. Further, one might build custom aviation/weather tools for a website, desktop application, or mobile device.

One of the features of the text data server is the ability to request data specific to an intended use. Clients target specific areas of interest and limit the volume of data returned by including product specific constraints in their requests. Some constraints limit results by space and time, some perform sophisticated operations - such as returning data adjacent to a user-specified flight path, and others are required with high-volume data products to reduce load on the server.

METARs Examples Field Description Output
Aircraft Reports Examples Field Description Output
TAFs Examples Field Description Output
AIR/SIGMETs Examples Field Description Output
G-AIRMETs Examples Field Description Output
STATION INFO Examples Field Description Output

Please see the Best Practices and Summary of Constraints sections. Also see the Release Notes section.

<response version="1.3" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation= "http://aviationweather.gov/adds/schema/metar1_2.xsd">
<data_source name="metars"/>
<request type="retrieve"/>
<data num_results="7">
<raw_text>KDEN 062253Z 06009KT 10SM FEW090 SCT180 26/00 A3007 RMK AO2 SLP123 T02610000</raw_text>
<observation_time>2013-06-06T22:53:00Z </observation_time>
<sky_condition sky_cover="FEW" cloud_base_ft_agl="9000"/>
<sky_condition sky_cover="SCT" cloud_base_ft_agl="18000"/>